BuildingBloCS June Conference


Thursday 2 June - Saturday 4 June

NUS School of Computing / Online

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Scroll down for the schedule!

Theme: Computational Thinking, AI and Blockchain Education

With the increasing importance of Computing education and AI literacy globally as well as disruptive emerging blockchain technologies, this year’s focus areas will be on Computational Thinking, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Education!

We are proud to partner with AI Singapore again in their new AI Student Outreach Programme which encourages students to form Student User Groups (SUG) to promote AI literacy and experiment with our open-source AI tools ‘AI BRICKS’ to develop solutions for their schools and real-world needs.

Learn about Introduction to Blockchain and Introduction to NFTs by TZAPAC, official industry partner of National Olympiad in Informatics 2022.


This year, BuildingBloCS’ main June Conference will be held over 3 days in a hybrid manner! Please refer to the schedule below for more details:

Day 1

08:45 Registration Starts
09:30 Opening Address

Welcome by NUS SoC
09:45 AI Singapore Sharing
10:00 Icebreakers
10:45 Workshop 1: Design and Prototyping an AI Application with Figma

Release of Hackathon Theme
12:00 Lunch break
12:40 Bridging the next billion users with GameFi, Mr Poh Say Keong, Lambo Driver
12:50 Workshop 1: Design and Prototyping an AI Application with Figma (continued)
13:40 Break
13:45 Workshop 2a: Web Development Basics

Workshop 2b: AI with Web Dev
15:30 Break + Games
15:45 Workshop 3: Building a Full-Stack Web Application with vue.js (Part 1)
17:30 Conclusion of Day 1, briefing on Day 1 deliverables
17:45 Dismissal

Day 2

08:45 Registration starts
09:30 Talk by Google
09:45 Talk by AI Researcher
10:00 Work on Hackathon + Consultation Period
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 Workshop 4: Integrating AI into a Full-Stack Web Application
14:30 Break + Games
14:45 Lightning talks by Overseas Educators
15:15 Workshop 4 continued: Integrating AI into a Full-Stack Web Application
16:30 Work on Project
17:30 Conclusion of Day 2, briefing on Day 2 deliverables + what to expect for Day 3 + Submission criteria
17:45 Dismissal

Day 3

08:45 Zoom room opens
09:00 Talk by Cyber Youth Singapore
09:30 Lightning talks by students
10:00 Asynchronous working on pitch
12:30 Deadline for submitting pitch

Day 4

22:00 App Demo + Code submission

