2021 Workshop Series
Similar to previous years, BuildingBloCS will be conducting a variety of workshops under our Workshop Series Initiative. The Workshop Series Initiative aims to expose students to the different aspects of computing ranging from game development to cybersecurity. This will be done through introductory-level workshops with gentle learning curves, which will hopefully spark participants’ interests in exploring more into the field of computing.
This year, BuildingBloCS will be conducting a total of 12 workshops! The workshops will run from 29th May to 31st May with the workshops being grouped into 3 different tracks (one track per day):
- Programming Languages 101 — 29th May
- Making Games (& playing them) — 30th May
- The World of Application Development — 31st May
Note: The tickets for the various workshops are structured according to the tracks. For example, if you wish to participate in the “Playing with Minecraft Plugins” workshop, you have to sign up for the “Making Games (& playing them)” ticket. Once you have signed up for the ticket, you will have free access to all the workshops on that track. Attendance for all workshops in the same track is not compulsory.
Programming Languages 101 Making Games (& Playing Them) The World of Application Development
FOSSASIA 2021 Workshops
We have had our 7 introductory workshops at FOSSASIA Summit 2021! Check them out below!
Introduction to Python
Python is a widely used, high level programming language, but it is easy to get started on.
In this workshop, you will be learning about the fundamental skills of Python, such as syntax, lists and functions.
Prerequisites: Nothing much other than a desire to learn!
Introduction to Web Development with Flask
With the help of Flask, a Python library, participants will be able to learn the basics of Web Development in building basic web-scraping applications. They will be free to explore and discover unique and interesting findings. Participants will learn the basics of HTML, CSS, Python (Flask) in this session and leave with their flask website hosted on CodeCollab.
Prerequisites: Python Basics
Introduction to Git/Github
Open source development is increasingly prevalent in software development, powering many devices that we use daily. Originally developed for managing the Linux operating system, Git is an extremely powerful tool for managing computing projects.
Participants will learn what Git is and how it is different from GitHub, what programmers can use Git for, learn to perform basic operations (commit, pull etc) using a Git GUI Client, perform simple collaborative operations (merge, forking) and understand the use of pull requests in working on public open source projects.
Prerequisites: None
Socket Programming with Python
Socket programming and the socket API are used to send and receive information between two physical devices, known as nodes, within a network. Upon completing this workshop, participants will be able to understand and use the main functions and methods in Python’s socket module to build their own client-server applications such as a multiplayer game.
Prerequisites: A little experience with Python programming and a basic idea of Internet Protocols (IP).
Introduction to Data Science
Data science is all about using data to solve problems. In this workshop, we will cover the basics of machine learning from loading data sets to creating predictive model, with the help of Scikit-learn (sklearn) to analyse data sets. At the end of the workshop, participants should be able to train a simple classifier and understand the data science lifecycle.
Prerequisites: Python Basics
Introduction to SQLite with Python
SQLite is the most used database engine in the world, integrated into applications that people use everyday. Participants can anticipate learning the basics of using SQLite3 with Python such as how to create a database, insert, update and delete data, fetch queries and import data from given csv files. This would be done by creating a text menu for users to retrieve and update information.
Prerequisites: Python Basics
Introduction to MongoDB with Python
MongoDB is a source-available, cross-platform, document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas. By the end of the workshop, participants would be able to build a Flask API with MongoDB to query and post data onto a server.
Prerequisites: Python Basics
Other Workshops
Introduction to Python (20th Jan 2021 -- 7pm to 9pm)
Python is a widely used, high level programming language, which means that it is easy to get started on.
In this workshop, you will be learning about the fundamental skills of Python, such as syntax, lists and functions.
Prerequisites: Nothing much other than a desire to learn!
Ren'Py - Visual Novels with Python (21th Jan 2021 -- 7pm to 9pm)
This workshop teaches the basics of renpy, a visual novel engine that makes use of Python and basic computing skills.
Computational programming will be taught, along with some foundational skills of Python to help students be imaginative and more comfortable with coding in a creative way.
Do try to install the Ren'Py software before the event
[download here](https://www.renpy.org/latest.html)
Prerequisites: Working computer and Ren'Py software installed on it
View Video
BuildingBloCS Youtube
The BuildingBloCS Youtube Channel is where you can find videos of the past events that we have conducted to help you better understand what we do.