Online Workshop
The online workshop is designed to help aid participants for the main competition during the Conference Day. Participants are first advised to go through the lessons materials posted at their own convenience. A Q&A session will then be held weekly at ClassDo by the respective speakers to help clarify participants’ doubts of the particular week’s topic.
An invitation link to the ClassDo session would be emailed to participants as well as posted onto the website before the week’s session. Learn more about the ClassDo Sessions here!
Participants/Non-participants of BuildingBloCS: Feel free to join us in our live sessions! Sign up here for your preferred 30 minutes slot within 2pm-5pm every Sunday!The exact time slot will be emailed to you before the actual day.
Week 1: How to Set-Up a Front-End Interface
View Lesson 1 View Lesson 2 Join Q&A
Q&A Date: 6 May (Sunday), 2pm-5pm
Main Speakers: Dai Tianle, Jin Zi Long
We explore some basic understanding and skills sets in the realm of HTML and CSS, such as tags, attributes, identifiers and styles.
Learning Outcomes
- Know some essential tags (headers, a, img, p, form).
- Understand html/css structure.
- Build first html/css template.
- Understand and apply essential CSS rules
- Understand how CSS targets tags and use <div> tags </div>
- ID and Class
- Google Fonts
Week 2: Python Programming for Beginners
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Q&A Date: 13 May (Sunday) , 2pm-5pm
Main Speakers: Aaron Peh Boon Wan, Kenneth Haw
We explore how to code programs using Python and its different tools such as variables, conditionals and various data structures.
Learning Outcomes
- Variables: declaration, types, scopes.
- Conditionals.
- Functions: Input, output, procedures.
- Import: Libraries.
Week 3: Building a Python Web-App with Flask
Q&A Date: 20 May (Sunday), 2pm-5pm
Main Speakers: Yong Kai Qi, Tjandy Putra
This week, we combine what we learn in the previous 2 weeks, and learn how to display a Python Program in the web environment.
Learning Outcomes
- Flask Helloworld program
- Multiple pages
- Jinja basics
- HTTP Protocols
Week 4: Finale Workshop
Q&A Date: 27 May (Sunday), 2pm-5pm
If the demand is high, we will also open up a final consultation session to answer any questions you have for the actual competiton on 1 June!
Physical Workshop
We will be hosting a full physical workshop to round-up everything within 2 hours! From how to create a webpage using HTML to how to build a chatbot program using Python, this comprehensive workshop will be providing a crashcourse for BuildingBloCS 2018’s competition deliverables!
Sign up here for the full workshop by 23rd May!
Date: 28 May (Monday)
Time: 8.30am-11.30am
Venue: Dunman High School Computer Lab S1